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On January 22, 2002 at 2:57 p.m., she wrote about:
Philosophy and my ed class

Philosophy in general facinates me. Really. I should take a class... like I have the time or the available credits to, but it's a nice thought ;) Biggest exposure I've had to the subject at IUP so far was in my gen ed history class last spring. Getting some of the same stuff in my american ed class now. We're spending most of the first half of the semester discussing existentialism and how it relates to the education system... or something like that. Anyways, just spent an hour and a half listening to a lecture on Soren Kierkegaard. Facinating... after I get my notes from today typed out I may elaborate some here... I need to go do that though before I lose the motivation to.

The prof in that class is mostly cool except that he talks way too fast and he has some accent that makes it kinda hard for me to understand him. hehe and he says 'do you get what I'm saying?' to random people near the front of the room like every other minute. But still... I'm tired and he kept me from falling asleep in class so that means he's a pretty interesting prof. The problem with it is he talks so fast my notes are mostly illegible. Which is why I need to go type them before I forget everything. ;) He's got me scared of the midterm already lol the way he talks...

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