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The current mood of the internet is: The current mood of the Internet at www.imood.com
I am currently: The current mood of xfmj@iup.edu at www.imood.com
On January 23, 2002 at 10:49 p.m., she wrote about:
Do I have to have a title for everything?

Yeah my day was... a day. I got my check in the mail yesterday from when I worked over break... goin to the bank tomorrow, maybe. Should also have my school refund check soon. I'll be set for the semester then. I need to find the ppl I need to talk to about financial aid for the summer.

Practiced piano... Mozart and Chopin can kiss my ass. That's all I have to say ;) hmm I like playing Bach it's simple-ish and relaxes me... it's gonna take me forever to perfect the piece I'm workin on, but it's cool...

Somehow or another I got stuck tutoring Chris in theory... Well, I know how it happened. Him and his blonde moments he rescheduled his theory class over top of concert band... as a result had to yesterday transfer back into my theory class with fry... and he's very much behind and very clueless. So fry says to me after class, "You're gonna help him get this figured out right?"... I said yes. Silly me... lol 'course I spent pretty much the whole class talkin to chris tryin to explain it, I guess fry figured I can spend a little more time outside of class. Works for me in a way, at least doin that I can be sure I understand it in the process.

Um... hmm... had lunch and dinner with chrissy and steph... anne and katie were there for dinner too... I have a feeling I'm gonna be seeing a lot of the 4 of them this semester. This is mostly a good thing though, not complaining ;)

Have to go study blah blah blah got too many classes I have to do work for

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